Three #3

Curse the Spartan who is a Trembler. Shave his beard. Rip his cloak. Beat or spit on him if you will. If you found yourself condemned in such a fashion, a few short years after all of Sparta's men ran, the hypocrisy could bite. Discover why it's not just the helots who suffer under Spartan Law, and discover what a Trembler plans for the three slaves responsible for his shame...

Collected Editions

Three TP cover Three TP Apr 9, 2014


Three #5 cover Three #5 Feb 26, 2014
Three #4 cover Three #4 Jan 8, 2014
Three #3 cover Three #3 Dec 11, 2013
Three #2 cover Three #2 Nov 13, 2013
Three #1 cover Three #1 Oct 9, 2013