
For any question not already covered in our FAQ, please fill out the contact form below.

If you are curious about submitting completed works to Image for publication, have questions about how to format a submission, or have other submission-based inquiries, click through to the Submission Guidelines as all of your questions will be answered there.

Please keep in mind, Image does not receive portfolio submissions and does not match illustrators with writers and vice versa. Because Image Comics owns no intellectual property, we do not hire freelance artists or writers.

  • For inquiries from members of the media/members of the press (like requesting being added to the press list, receive Advance Reader Copies, galleys, or review PDFs, opportunities to interview Image Comics’ talent, or advertising opportunities) contact:
  • For questions regarding digital publishing and to report website errors, contact:
  • Retailers inquiring about ordering books (note that we do not sell direct, but can provide supplementary info to inform your ordering through one of our distribution partners), contact:
  • International publishers inquiring about international sales and licensing of our books, contact:

Postal mail address:
PO Box 14457
Portland, Oregon 97293