Three #1

When a member of the Spartan ruling class visits an isolated homestead of Helot workers, a brutal massacre is only the beginning. KIERON GILLEN (PHONOGRAM, Über, Iron Man), RYAN KELLY (Saucer County, Local) and JORDIE BELLAIRE (THE MANHATTAN PROJECTS, NOWHERE MEN) unite to tell the heroic story of three slaves and their desperate attempt to escape 300 of the finest warriors who've ever lived.

Collected Editions

Three TP cover Three TP Apr 9, 2014


Three #5 cover Three #5 Feb 26, 2014
Three #4 cover Three #4 Jan 8, 2014
Three #3 cover Three #3 Dec 11, 2013
Three #2 cover Three #2 Nov 13, 2013
Three #1 cover Three #1 Oct 9, 2013