Newburn #13

Series: Newburn

Read the First Issue of Newburn Online

Past lies are catching up to Emily and Newburn and putting them in the crosshairs on all sides.
PLUS: Tabletop gamers plot a perilous heist in "LOADED DICE" by AMY CHASE and FABIAN LELAY.



Cover A

Collected Editions


Newburn #16 cover Newburn #16 Mar 27, 2024
Newburn #15 cover Newburn #15 Feb 28, 2024
Newburn #14 cover Newburn #14 Jan 24, 2024
Newburn #13 cover Newburn #13 Dec 20, 2023
NEWBURN #12 cover NEWBURN #12 Oct 25, 2023
NEWBURN #11 cover NEWBURN #11 Sep 27, 2023