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Savage Dragon #78


Dragon is attacked by the robotic minions of Cyberface, who in this savage new world, seems to be a nanite-based entity living within all computer systems. Dragon barely manages to escape his clutches, and is forced to steal from corpses and abandoned stores for food, clothing, and money. As he attempts to get some rest in an empty cellar, his mind is invaded by the worm-like parasites of a mutated infant who feeds on Dragon's nightmares. After Dragon awakens, he does battle with, and buries the Brain-Child under tons of rubble, he leaves the scene with four young women, the creature's former captives.

Savage Dragon #79


While sleeping, Dragon and the young women under his care are attacked by a gigantic maggot. Dragon manages to tear its tongue out, but before he and his companions can dine on its carcass, the meat is stolen by Rita Medermade, who has been enlarged to 60-feet in height by a Martian shrinking ray during the invasion a few years prior. The battle against the crazed Medermade is joined by the vigilante Star - who in this savage new world is none other than former Police Officer William Jonson, who lets Dragon in on why there is such a huge bounty on his head - because of a failed assassination attempt on King Khan, aka Cyberface. Dragon is then captured by Cyberface's minions, but not before he can return Rita to her normal height and mental capacity.

Savage Dragon #80


Dragon frees himself from the clutches of Cyberface, only to fall from one of his Martian spaceships into Lake Michigan. Even underwater, however, he is pursued by Cyberface, who takes on the form of a 30-story robot. Dragon is able to find an old Martian spacesuit within a submerged spaceship, and atteracts the attention of a Giant Sea Monster, which distracts Cyberface, and allows Dragon to swim away - only to be whisked away into a tunnel by a bizarre tentacled-creature. Dragon frees himself, but is left in an unknown part of "Lake Fear," exhausted and without air.

Savage Dragon #81


Dragon is captured and put in a zoo undersea by the Atlanteans. After fighting one of the guards, Dragon ends up on a chain gang with ManEater and Gator digging more undersea tunnels. Gator and Dragon fight, collapsing a wall and freeing the Lava Lords.

Savage Dragon #82


Dragon wakes up after his adventures in Atlantis to find himself in Australia, which has been saved from Cybeface's attcks due to the strict control of electricity use. After catching a ride with the Bug Riders to the nearest town, Dragon finds himself a job and slowly plans a way to make it back to the U.S.

Savage Dragon #83


Dragon tries to escape his cell under the Gladiatorial arena, but he's beaten by a creature named Droog. Dragon eventually is put in to the Arena of Death to fight for his life.

Savage Dragon #84


Dragon recovers from his beating and starts fighting all of the Atomics. He finds out not only is BrainiApe in control, but there is an entire group of freaks who have psi-powers.

Savage Dragon #85


Dragon and the Atomics are "beamed up" in to Cyberface's space ships, and then are taken back to America. Dragon escapes from his pod and splits up with the Madman and Atomics. He soon finds himself alone, but gets help from some of the locals in Pittsburgh.

Savage Dragon #86


Dragon wakes up in Vanguard's space ship, having been transported to the ship moments before being incinerated. It still takes time to heal, but Dragon does and enlists Vanguard's help in finding some of his former allies.

Savage Dragon #87


After Dragon journeys to the Hidden City of the Gods, he confronts the Seeker - the deadliest bounty hunter alive! He's determined to bring in the Savage Dragon - dead or alive! The pieces of the large puzzle that Dragon's life has become are falling into place in this all-out action epic.

Savage Dragon #88


Dragon tries to convince the gods of God Town to help him defeat Cyberface and return control of Earth to the people, but the Gods have forsworn never to interfere in the affairs of mortals. Dragon fights with both Herakles and Thor to convince them, but he is unsuccessful and is banished from God Town. Plus, the events that transpired on GodWorld are revealed! More pieces of the puzzle that is Dragon's life fall into place.

Savage Dragon #89


Dragon finds himself in Detroit after his encounter with the Gods of God Town. Seeking the help of Kill-Cat & Kid Avenger, he instead finds himeslf fighting alongside Neutron Bob, who is after the same goal as Dragon is - the downfall of Cyberface! More two-fisted action than you can shake a stick at!

Savage Dragon #90


Traveling with Neutron Bob, Dragon finds his way to Chicago to enlist the help of the Vicious Circle in defeating Cyberface. When he arrives, he is attacked and forced underground, losing Bob along the way. Underground, he finds Rock, Feezle, Beast Boy and Widow, but in this reality, they have never met. Dragon tries to enlist their help, but they decide to not help Dragon. He wanders off in search of Pipe Town and the Vicious Circle and is attacked along the way by Dale Fisher, who has been mutated by someone known as "The Creator."

Savage Dragon #91


Dragon gets a full history on this Savage World, why everyone is after him, how he went on a rampage unchecked, killing someone close time, and much more. All this is provided by Frank Darling, Erik's friend from the police force and now, his only hope!

Savage Dragon #92


Dragon fights Dale Fisher, who blames him for the death of Alex Wilde. Later, Dragon tries to muster an alliance to attack and defeat Cyberface, with the help of some unexpected allies and his old friend, Frank Darling!

Savage Dragon #93


Dragon organizes both friends and foes in to a fighting force and leads them to Washington D.C. to face Cyberface! Plus, Barbaric & Dart find their way to unexpected allies after fleeing the battle arena!

Savage Dragon #94


Dragon finally confronts Cyberface in a climactic battle. Plus, more on the super-freaks of Chicago in the aftermath of their battle, more on Mako & Dart's relationship and a few familiar faces pop up, one in a most unexpected way!

Savage Dragon #95


An epic conclusion to the battle for the freedom of the entire planet Earth! Dragon and his allies lead a last-ditch effort to overcome Cyberface and his hordes! More of Dragon's supporting cast pop up in this fantastic issue!

Savage Dragon #96


Dragon goes after Rex Dexter's daughter to fulfill his part of the agreement for Rex's help in defeating Cyberface. When Dragon returns, he finds himself facing a new and even deadlier foe - The Creator! Plus, the final fate of Cyberface revealed!

Savage Dragon #97


Dragon goes after Rex Dexter's daughter to fulfill his part of the agreement for Rex's help in defeating Cyberface. When Dragon returns, he finds himself facing a new and even deadlier foe - The Creator! Plus, the final fate of Cyberface revealed!

Savage Dragon #98


Dragon returns to the earth he remembers just in time to stop a horrible tragedy, hoping that he can prevent the apocalyptic future that he currently lives in. But, will the changes in his past make things better, or will he just make things worse?

Savage Dragon #99


Dragon again returns to the earth he remembers in the time he wants, but once again the burden of the consequences of his possible changes sway his decisions. A brawl leads him to decide his fate for the future!

Savage Dragon #100


Torn between two worlds - one world is the planet he called home in the original Image Universe, the other is the war-torn Savage World. Dragon must choose to return to the Savage World he unwittingly created or stay forever in the world he called home - to choose between those he loves most and his responsibility to a world he made - what will Dragon decide? His fate changes the course of the future!

Savage Dragon #101


Problem Child This issue focuses on two stories taking place in both worlds that Dragon knows - his new home with Jennifer and his old home that he left behind. In the new world, Dragon tries to rekindle his romance with Jennifer Murphy, while in the old world, Dragon's son Malcolm is having a hard time coming to grips with the revelations of issue #100!

Savage Dragon #102


Another double dose of Dragon action! In two seperate stories, Dragon and Malcolm must face the reality of a world-devouring foe. Plus, Malcolm continues his quest to free his captive friends from the clutches of an evil organization hell bent on World Domination while Dragon begins to adjust to life with his 'new' Jennifer and Angel