Liam Sharp

Liam Sharp

Liam Sharp is an award-winning Anglo-American writer and artist. He has worked for all the major comic companies, but is primarily known for his more recent work at DC, where he drew the best-selling Wonder Woman: Rebirth series ‘The Lies’ and ‘The Truth’ written by Greg Rucka, an issue of _The Justice League_—a Dark Nights: Metal tie-in—written by Rob Venditti, an acclaimed 24-issue run on The Green Lantern scripted by the legendary Grant Morrison. Sharp also produced ground-breaking full-color art for Batman: Reptilian, scripted by the great Garth 'The Boys' Ennis. He also illustrated and wrote the acclaimed The Brave And The Bold: Batman And Wonder Woman series.

More recently he wrote, illustrated and lettered his own creator-owned series for Image Comics, _StarHenge_—an epic sci-fantasy saga based on the legend of Merlin, for which he has been nominated for an Eisner Award for Best Painter/Multimedia Artist. He also wrote and produced art for Spawn: The Dark Ages for Todd McFarlane and Image Comics. Liam was awarded an honorary doctorate by Derby University in 2022. He also has two published novels, and has worked in film and TV.

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