Revered creator LIAM SHARP cuts loose in his visually stunning six-issue masterpiece, STARHENGE, BOOK ONE
A future Merlin travels to 5th-century Britain to prevent monstrous time-traveling killer robots from robbing the universe of magic, and Amber Weaver's lively present-day narrative reveals how she becomes drawn into a war across time
The Terminator meets The Green Knight in 30 enthralling story pages, setting the scene for this original epic inspired by the Arthurian sagas
"A star-spanning saga of ancient magic and deep science, vividly told by a modern master of the comics medium." -DAVE GIBBONS "The kind of %E2%80%98epic' you crave-both noun and adjective. And even that doesn't quite capture LIAM SHARP's astonishing scope and vision. There's magic in these pages." -KELLY SUE DeCONNICK "Jaw-dropping and epic and massive and totally a LIAM SHARP book, but not any kind of LIAM SHARP we've ever seen before or maybe even expected? LIAM is breaking out all kinds of moves and modes that people who know him-from, like, Green Lantern or whatever-will never see coming. This is a gorgeous and incredible and MASSIVE swing for the stars that declares his ambitions have taken him to some exciting and undiscovered territories... Bravo, congrats, cheers, and exhale-this is glorious." -MATT FRACTION