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Invincible #57


CROSSOVER PART ONE! GUEST-STARRING THE ASTOUNDING WOLF-MAN! In part one of a two-part crossover, Invincible sets off on a mission to bring the fugitive Wolf-Man to justice. To be continued in THE ASTOUNDING WOLF-MAN #11.

Invincible #58


Young Love... Invincible and Atom Eve are finally together. Young love... how interesting.

Invincible #59


Meet Powerplex! He's out to rid the world once and for all of the menace known as Invincible!

Invincible #60


The Invincible War: THE CROSSOVER EVENT OF THE DECADE! Invincible is drawn into a company-wide crossover event done in ONE oversized issue! SPAWN! SAVAGE DRAGON! SHADOWHAWK! CYBERFORCE! PITT! ULTRA! and many, many more all here for one issue...; don't miss it!

Invincible #61


INVINCIBLE WAR: AFTERMATH! The planet is in ruins. Everything has changed, the world's superheroes are in the hospital or dead. Invincible is left to rebuild - but now he must face his most deadly and powerful adversary yet. Who... or what is CONQUEST?

Invincible #62


INVINCIBLE WAR: AFTERMATH! CONQUEST is here. Invincible is confronted with the most dangerous threat he's ever faced. He will not come out of this unscathed. This issue is not to be missed.

Invincible #63


INVINCIBLE WAR: AFTERMATH! CONQUEST IS HERE! The fate of the entire planet rests on Invincible's shoulders... and those shoulders are about to break.

Invincible #64


INVINCIBLE WAR: AFTERMATH! The battle with CONQUEST concludes... and there is a casualty.

Invincible #65


Funeral for the fallen.

Invincible #66


'PREPARATIONS FOR WAR,' Part One Artist CORY WALKER returns to the series he co-created! After escaping from a Viltrumite Prison, Nolan Grayson and Allen the Alien must use what they've learned to gather the powers of the universe and unite them against the Viltumites. It all starts here, folks: The Viltrumite War looms large on the horizon!

Invincible #67


'PREPARATIONS FOR WAR,' Conclusion Artist CORY WALKER returns to the series he co-created! After escaping from a Viltrumite Prison, Nolan Grayson and Allen the Alien must use what they've learned to gather the powers of the universe and unite them against the Viltumites. It all starts here, folks! The Viltrumite War looms large on the horizon!

Invincible #68


EVERYTHING IS DIFFERENT NOW! We return to Earth after the brief space interlude involving Nolan and Allen the Alien... but is it the Earth we knew?! What changes have taken place? What has transpired in the time we were away? Who is DINOSAURUS?! This issue is a can't-miss for long-time fans of Invincible and an excellent jumping-on point for people who have yet to dip their toes in the INVINCIBLE waters.

Invincible #69


EVERYTHING IS DIFFERENT NOW! Who is Universa?! Why did she come to this planet in search of the one called Invincible? What does it have to do with the impending Viltrumite Invasion?! And why did she decide to come NOW, on the eve of an attack from the SEQUIDS?! The answers to all these questions and even more questions piled on top of them - in this issue of Invincible!

Invincible #70


OVERWHELMED! Invincible finds himself faced against the combined might of the Sequid legions! Is he willing to do what must be done in order to save the world - and will this event push him over the edge or bring him back from it?

Invincible #70.5


AT LONG LAST, INVINCIBLE RETURNS TO HIS ORIGINAL COSTUME! After the shocking events of the Invincible War and the cataclysmic battle with Conquest, Invincible is ready to turn the page to a bold new era: just in time for THE VILTRUMITE WAR, starting in next month's INVINCIBLE #71! This special self-contained issue will bring readers new and old up to speed on everyone's favorite superhero comic. If you've never read INVINCIBLE, now is the time to dive in! And if you've been reading since the beginning: You know it's all been leading up to this moment! Either way, hold onto your hats!

Invincible #71


THE VILTRUMITE WAR BEGINS! The entire series has been leading up to this! The pieces are in place, the time to strike is now! It's all out war as the Coalition of Planets finally make its move against the Viltrum Empire--with Invincible stuck in the middle. Things will never be the same after this--and this is INVINCIBLE, so you know we mean it.

Invincible #72


THE VILTRUMITE WAR CONTINUES! You all knew it was coming, so might as well get it out of the way early: CONQUEST vs. INVISIBLE - the rematch! This time Invincible won't have Atom Eve to help him, and Conquest won't make the mistake of underestimating him. Can a galaxy-spanning all-out war contain this fight? This issue is not to be missed!

Invincible #73


THE VILTRUMITE WAR CONTINUES! Invincible is stranded on an alien planet, clinging to life, left battered and broken from his battle with Conquest. Nolan and Oliver stay behind to nurse him back to health, but meanwhile, out in space, the war rages on.

Invincible #74


THE VILTRUMITE WAR CONTINUES! The traitor is revealed as the Viltrumite Empire's Grand Regent Thragg launches a full-scale assault on the Coalition of Planets home base on Talescria. It appears that all is lost, but The Coalition isn't going to go down without a fight.

Invincible #75


THE VILTRUMITE WAR CONTINUES! Invincible and the Coalition of planets bring the war to Planet Viltrum! All bets are off as the Coalition forces try to fight their way into the Viltrumite Empire's stronghold. Lives are lost, and a turning point in the war is reached.

Invincible #76


THE VILTRUMITE WAR CONTINUES! It's all been leading up to this: Invincible vs. Thragg, one-on-one! It's the fight to end all fights, and the fate of the entire universe hangs in the balance. Whatever you do, don't miss this issue!

Invincible #77


THE VILTRUMITE WAR CONTINUES! THE FINAL STAND! It's all come to this: The fate of all life on Earth is at stake. If Invincible loses... Wait, Invincible can't lose... can he?

Invincible #78


THE VILTRUMITE WAR CONTINUES! The dust is settling, the war is over...but nothing will ever be the same. Mark and Eve, Nolan and Debbie are reunited, but the Viltrumites have... well... you'll just have to read the book to find out.

Invincible #79


In the aftermath of the VILTRUMITE WAR, Invincible returns home to find things on Earth are very different.

Invincible #80


DINOSAURUS returns! Hellbent on righting what he sees as wrong in the world he comes face-to-face with Invincible and the result is devastating.