The first five issues to be collected in trade paperback this October
From Eisner Award-winning writer James Robinson (AIRBOY, Starman) and artist extraordinaire J. Bone (The Rocketeer: Hollywood Horror) comes THE SAVIORS TP, which collects the first five issues of the alien conspiracy adventure story, this October from Image Comics.
When Tomas Ramirez stumbles upon an extraterrestrial conspiracy to take over the world, his life is forever altered. Now he’s banding together with those other few souls who share the knowledge that we are under attack as they attempt to defeat a shadowy alien cabal that is both indestructible and eager to kill anyone who threatens it.
THE SAVIORS TP (ISBN 978-1-63215-925-0) hits comic book stores Wednesday, October 26th, and bookstores Tuesday, November 1st, and will be available for $14.99. It can be ordered by retailers with Diamond code AUG160700, and it is available for preorder on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Indiebound, and Indigo.
“THE SAVIORS is a high-quality, slyly modern take on some sci-fi B-movie concepts. Come for the fun of the chase—stay for the superlative J. Bone cartooning, which is classically good in every way.” —Multiversity Comics
“This is a truly unique book, and an exceptionally fun read.” —TM Stash
“A little bit classic sci-fi thriller throwback and part visionary exploration of a concept nearly as old as fiction itself.” —Comic Book Resources