Image Comics is pleased to announce ME THE PEOPLE: a special, politically-charged hardcover by bestselling New Yorker cartoonist and Y: The Last Man artist/co-creator Pia Guerra.
“With no long-term intentions, and born from a drive to exorcise the rage and angst that comes with a sociopathic world leader, she drew and she drew. And she became Pia Guerra: political satirist, skewerer of fascist babies.” —Sarah Silverman
PORTLAND, OR, 5/25/2018 — Image Comics is pleased to announce ME THE PEOPLE: a special, politically-charged hardcover by bestselling New Yorker cartoonist and Y: The Last Man artist/co-creator Pia Guerra.
ME THE PEOPLE offers up a collection of Guerra’s most recent editorial cartoons, just in time for the 2018 midterm elections.
Covering a wide array of topics—from the Trump administration’s unprecedented attacks on democracy and the GOP’s enabling of chaos to the fight against gun violence and corruption—Guerra’s widely shared cartoons are direct and to the point.
“I remember watching the election returns in the days after November 8th and shaking my head at how 80,000 votes managed to trump 3 million to usher in one of the most dangerous demagogues in modern history,” said Guerra. “There was this disgust and deep, sinking grossness that made me want to do something to speak out against it. I’m not a politician or an expert on the inner workings of Washington, I’m a comic book artist—so how could I possibly do this effectively? What could I offer to the conversation? And then I realized the man just elected president can barely put together a coherent sentence and that’s when I picked up my pencil and started drawing.”
ME THE PEOPLE (ISBN: 978-1-5343-1022-3) hits comic shops on Wednesday, October 3rd and bookstores on Tuesday, October 9th.
ME THE PEOPLE offers up a collection of Guerra’s most recent editorial cartoons, just in time for the 2018 midterm elections.
Covering a wide array of topics—from the Trump administration’s unprecedented attacks on democracy and the GOP’s enabling of chaos to the fight against gun violence and corruption—Guerra’s widely shared cartoons are direct and to the point.
“I remember watching the election returns in the days after November 8th and shaking my head at how 80,000 votes managed to trump 3 million to usher in one of the most dangerous demagogues in modern history,” said Guerra. “There was this disgust and deep, sinking grossness that made me want to do something to speak out against it. I’m not a politician or an expert on the inner workings of Washington, I’m a comic book artist—so how could I possibly do this effectively? What could I offer to the conversation? And then I realized the man just elected president can barely put together a coherent sentence and that’s when I picked up my pencil and started drawing.”
ME THE PEOPLE (ISBN: 978-1-5343-1022-3) hits comic shops on Wednesday, October 3rd and bookstores on Tuesday, October 9th.