PORTLAND, Ore. 4.15.2021 — Julio Anta and Anna Wieszczyk’s series Home sold out at the distributor level yesterday immediately, on the day of release. Image Comics has greenlit a reprint of the debut in order to keep up with growing demand for the popular new series.
“I’ve been overwhelmed by the response for our first issue of Home after just one day of release!" said Anta. "I’ve gotten so many messages from readers who instantly connected with Juan and Mercedes, and their struggles. My intention with this series is to shine a light on the cruelty immigrants are often subjected to in this country, as well as present positive and empathetic portrayals of Latinx characters, so I’m grateful to hear it’s catching on with readers."
Mainstream media coverage of the new series Home went viral when a syndicated piece on how the series explores immigration and family separation policies at the US border inspired Anta. It was picked up by The Orange County Register, The Press-Enterprise, California News Times, and the Los Angeles Daily News.
The new super-powered series Home explores the real-world implications of a migrant who is suddenly imbued with extraordinary powers. Home follows a young boy who is torn away from his mother while seeking asylum at the U.S. border—just as something begins to change in him. He doesn’t know it yet, but it’s the onset of superhuman abilities that will alter the course of his life forever.
Home #1, second printing (Diamond Code MAR218115) will be available at comic book shops on Wednesday, May 12.
Home #1 will also be available for purchase across many digital platforms, including Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, comiXology, and Google Play.
“Offers magical catharsis for real-world immigration injustice.” —The Comics Beat
“You very much feel drawn into the story, and the added wrinkle in the last act will definitely hook you.” —Black Nerd Problems
“A potent reminder that while fiction can ultimately do very little to alter the horror outcomes of reality, it can at least offer solace in the guise of revisionist—and cathartic—fantasy.” —Comicon.com
“A heartfelt look at the struggles and hardship of those who have come to the U.S. border looking for nothing more than safety and the freedom from the want and fear they have been forced to endure.” —But Why Tho? podcast
“The story we need right now. It's great to see a tale told from a marginalized group's perspective in the comic book medium.” —Monkeys Fighting Robots