PORTLAND, Ore. 06/16/2023 — The devilishly fun new series—In Hell We Fight—from multiple Eisner-winning writer/letterer John Layman (Chew Suicide Squad: Kill Arkham Asylum) and Argentinian superstar artist Jok has hit big with readers and sold out completely at the distributor level. Image Comics will fast-track this hot debut issue back to print in order to keep up with customer demand.
“In Hell We Fight is a weird and weirdly funny project, as off-beat and strange as anything I’ve ever done," said Layman. "I’m delighted and gratified from the positive response we’ve gotten from readers and retailers. Thanks to everyone who picked up the book, the retailers who’ve supported it, and readers who’ve given it such good word of mouth."
Jok added: “In Hell We Fight contains great potential to tell stories anchored in emotion and relationships between characters, and I believe readers will get into it more and more. I couldn´t be more grateful to John Layman and Image for this huge opportunity, however, my appreciation also includes retailers, readers and reviewers for such a positive response. A big THANK YOU to you all.“
Life in hell ain't easy in In Hell We Fight. Demons try to torture you for all eternity. Monsters want to eat you. There's a stunning lack of reliable indoor plumbing. And it's almost impossible to get ice cream. At least until today when three condemned teens and their annoying tagalong demon frenemy embark on a daring scheme to hijack a demon lord's delivery truck. What happens next will take them on an epic journey across the underworld in an infernal excursion of non-stop excitement, danger, and adventure.
In Hell We Fight #1, second printing (Diamond Code APR239461) will be available at comic book shops on Wednesday, July 12.
In Hell We Fight will also be available across many digital platforms, including Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, and Google Play.