PORTLAND, Ore. 03/31/2023 — Superstar creative duo Mark Millar and Frank Quitely’s The Ambassadors is completely sold out at the distributor level. Image Comics will rush a reprint through production this week in order to keep up with feverish customer demand for this exciting new launch. The second printing will be a special edition of this smash-hit and will contain 29 pages of story plus exclusive, bonus backmatter material showcasing Quitely's process for translating the scripts into some of the greatest artwork in modern comics.
This six issue Netflix miniseries from Image Comics leads into the highly anticipated "Big Game" summer event being prepped by Nemesis: Reloaded (with superstar Jorge Jiminez), Night Club with Juanan Ramirez, and the brand new volume of The Magic Order—currently being made as a huge live action show for the streamer. This big 2023 Summer event BIG GAME, will have Millarworld characters from Kick-Ass, Kingsman, Starlight, Jupiter's Legacy, and more, come together in a huge adventure drawn by Marvel superstar Pepe Larraz.
"I have two simple words for the retailers and readers who got behind us this week to such a crazy degree and the reviewers who helped create that buzz in the first place—thank you," said Millar. "I know it's an overused expression, but this truly has been a labour of love for all of us and I still can't quite believe we have a book out every two weeks with complete issues by the likes of Frank Quitely, Travis Charest, Olivier Coipel, Karl Kerschl, Matteo Buffagni and Matteo Scalera. Frank hasn't done comic interiors in over six years and it's been many more years since Travis graced the industry with his genius. I contacted him literally decades ago and here we are working together at last. This is a dream comic for me. Thanks for making it all come true and we hope you enjoy this new special edition we have coming."
Featuring white-hot list of artists handling each of the six interconnected issues—including Olivier Coipel, Travis Charest, Matteo Buffagni, Karl Kerschl and Matteo Scalera—this buzzworthy new series is a can’t miss addition to readers' pull-list.
The Ambassadors will be available at comic book shops on:
The Ambassadors #2 (interiors by Karl Kerschl) on sale Wednesday, April 12:
- Cover A by Kerschl - Diamond Code FEB230155
- Cover B by Kerschl B&W - Diamond Code FEB230156
- Cover C by Quitely - Diamond Code FEB230157
The Ambassadors #1 (cover & interiors by Frank Quitely) on sale Wednesday, April 26:
- Second printing - Diamond Code FEB238920
The Ambassadors #3 (interiors by Travis Charest) on sale Wednesday, April 26:
- Cover A by Charest - Diamond Code FEB230158
- Cover B by Charest B&W - Diamond Code FEB230159
- Cover C by Valerio Giangiordano - Diamond Code FEB230160
The Ambassadors #4 (interiors by Olivier Coipel) on sale Wednesday, May 10:
- Cover A by Coipel - Diamond Code MAR230107
- Cover B by Coipel B&W - Diamond Code MAR230108
- Cover C by Ryan Sook - Diamond Code MAR230109
The Ambassadors #5 (interiors by Matteo Buffagni) on sale Wednesday, May 24:
- Cover A by Buffagni - Diamond Code MAR230110
- Cover B by Buffagni B&W - Diamond Code MAR230111
- Cover C by Leinil Yu - Diamond Code MAR230112
The Ambassadors #6 (interiors by Matteo Scalera) on sale Wednesday, June 7:
- Cover A by Scalera - Diamond Code APR230216
- Cover B by Scalera B&W - Diamond Code APR230217
- Cover C by Killian Plunkett - Diamond Code APR230218
The Ambassadors will also be available across many digital platforms, including Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, and Google Play.