PORTLAND, Ore. 06/11/2021 — Image Comics co-founder Erik Larsen has spun a momentous story arc conclusion to the long-awaited Ant finale and fans want more. Issue #12 has sold out completely at the distributor level and is being fast-tracked for a reprint in order to keep up with growing demand. The reprint will feature new cover artwork by Larsen.
"Ant is a character that I’m super-excited to be working on and I’m absolutely thrilled to see that readers are as excited about it as I am," said Larsen. "This is one of those books that I’ve wanted to do for a long time. I’ve put a lot of time and effort into this project and I can’t wait to share it with the world!"
Ant #12 both wraps up the story already begun by Ant creator Mario Gully and serves as a completely self-contained introduction to Ant by superstar creator Larsen. Hannah Washington has spent years looking for answers, and finally her quest comes to its epic conclusion! Guest-starring the Dynamic Daredevil!
Fans eager for more Ant will have Larsen’s upcoming all-new Ant series to look forward to this August—which will reimagine the origin story and put a fresh spin on the beloved character.
Ant #12, second printing (Diamond Code APR219899) will be available at comic book shops on Wednesday, July 7.
Ant #1 by Larsen will be available at comic book shops on Wednesday, August 25:
- Ant #1 Cover A Larsen - Diamond Code JUN210035
- Ant #1 Cover B Larsen - Diamond Code JUN210036
- Ant #1 Cover C Larsen - Diamond Code JUN210037
- Ant #1 Cover D Larsen - Diamond Code JUN210038
- Ant #1 Cover E Retro Trade Dress - Diamond Code JUN210039
- Ant #1 Cover F Retro Trade Dress - Diamond Code JUN210040
- Ant #1 Cover G Retro Trade Dress - Diamond Code JUN210041
- Ant #1 Cover H Retro Trade Dress - Diamond Code JUN210042
Ant is also available for purchase across many digital platforms, including Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, comiXology, and Google Play.