PORTLAND, Ore. 2.9.2021 — Image Comics will rush the breakout hit Deep Beyond by Mirka Andolfo (Mercy, Unnatural), David Goy, artist Andrea Broccardo (Star Wars: Doctor Aphra, Empyre: X-Men, Wonder Woman Agent of Peace), and colorist Barabara Nosenzo (The Ballad of Halo Jones) back to print in order to keep up with the tidal wave of customer demand. This second printing of Deep Beyond #1 will showcase all-new cover art by Andolfo herself.
Deep Beyond is a 12 issue miniseries set in an underpopulated future Earth where, devastated by the dire consequences of the millennium bug, the survival of mankind rests on the shoulders of a small number of people. Talented scientists who, despite the adverse situation and the stupid feuds that continue to divide the small number of people still alive, try to understand and study what is hidden in the depths of the abyss. Something mysterious and dangerous, which could eventually cause an even worse and more destructive catastrophe!
“I'm overwhelmed by readers' reception of Deep Beyond," said Andolfo. "I'm very proud of what we're doing with the whole team, and I can’t wait to tell the continuation of the story, with amazing art and colors, and, also, stunning covers by guest artist stars!”
Goy added: “We didn't expect the book to go to a second print in less than one week, and we couldn’t be happier. We are very grateful to the readers for the result, and we're working hard to make every issue better than the previous one.”
Deep Beyond #1, second printing (Diamond Code DEC209336) will be available at comic book shops on Wednesday, March 10.
Deep Beyond #1 will also be available for purchase across many digital platforms, including Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, comiXology, and Google Play.