Issues #10 and #11 track cryptids
PORTLAND, Ore. 5.11.2021 — The bestselling series The Department of Truth by James Tynion IV and Martin Simmonds is taking on cryptid creatures this June with a two-part hunt for BigFoot. The chase begins with The Department of Truth #10 in June and will follow on hot pursuit with The Department of Truth #11 in July.
In The Department of Truth #10, some fictions manifest in reality as dangerous, half-formed things. The Department of Truth relies on hunters to track down and contain these wild tulpas before they become too real. It's time for Cole Turner to see this side of the job firsthand. It's time for Cole Turner to join his first Bigfoot hunt.
In The Department of Truth #11, the rules of reality start to bend in the presence of Wild Fictions. That's why it's Darla's job to hunt down so-called cryptids before belief in them can spread. And if you're an innocent bystander caught in the crosshairs... Well, the Department of Truth doesn't leave loose ends.
"While working on Issue #10, I realized pretty quickly that to capture everything we wanted to say about Bigfoots, and Cryptids, and how they fit into the larger mythology of The Department of Truth, I would have had the cut the issue down to the bone…" said Tynion IV. "But then Martin and I spoke and realized we didn’t want to do any of that. If anything we wanted to lean in to really capture the emotion of the story we’re looking to tell here. Since the dawn of man, people have been hunting the impossible out in the deepest darkest forests of the world. What truth are they really after?"
The Department of Truth #10 will be available at comic book shops on Wednesday, June 30:
- The Department of Truth #10 Cover A Simmonds - APR210285
- The Department of Truth #10 Cover B Vincenzo Riccardi - APR210286
- The Department of Truth #10 Cover C Michael Dialynas - APR218120
The Department of Truth #11 will be available at comic book shops on Wednesday, July 28:
- The Department of Truth #11 Cover A Simmonds - MAY210151
- The Department of Truth #11 Cover B Trevor Henderson - MAY210152
- The Department of Truth #11 Cover C Ethan Young - APR218082
The Department of Truth is also available for purchase across many digital platforms, including Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, comiXology, and Google Play.
Select praise for The Department of Truth:
"Genuinely one of the best comics you'll read this year. Do not miss it." —Scott Snyder
“A story for our zeitgeist. Simmonds’ art invokes Bill Sienkiewicz.” —Entertainment Weekly
"A wonderfully dizzy mixture of Men in Black, John Carpenter, Stephen King, The Matrix, and 1970s conspiracy thrillers." —Forbes
"It is FANTASTIC. Can’t wait to read the whole series!" —Patton Oswalt
"A new conspiracy thriller comic that should appeal to anyone with a fondness for The X-Files." —IGN
“Hickmanian conspiracy games, Burroughsian crime, Sienkiewiczian style. The Truth: you want it.” —Kieron Gillen