PORTLAND, Ore. 5.20.2021 — The bestselling Radiant Black #4 by Kyle Higgins and Marcelo Costa has sold out upon its release yesterday and left fans stunned after a jaw-dropping showdown between Radiant Black and his nemesis, Radiant Red. This pivotal issue is being rushed back to print in order to keep up with the unending demand.
"One of the things that excited Marcelo, Michael and myself about launching a creator owned superhero series, was the possibility—and honestly, the responsibility—that we take Big, Bold swings. There are a lot of superhero books on the stands each month—but there aren't a lot of superhero books where truly anything can happen. This is one of them," said Higgins. "We have a plan. It's big, it's bold, it's ambitious as hell... and this is just the beginning. But first, to readers and to retailers, thank you so, so much for your support. Especially, since Radiant Black is about to get even crazier..."
It was always going to come to this, in Radiant Black #4: fans are front-and-center to a knock-down, drag-out fight—between Nathan and the mysterious Radiant Red—across the city of Lockport! After this fight, nothing will ever be the same again. For Lockport or for Radiant Black.
In Radiant Black #5, fan favorite artist Eduardo Ferigato (Self/Made, The Trials of Ultraman) and colourist Natália Marques will join Higgins and Costa for the extra-length, explosive climax to the first story arc.
Radiant Black #4, second printing and Radiant Black #5 will both be available at comic book shops on Wednesday, June 16:
- Radiant Black #4, second printing - APR218632
- Radiant Black #5 Cover A Doaly - APR210322
- Radiant Black #5 Cover B Diego Greco - APR210323
- Radiant Black #5 Cover C 1:25 copy incentive by Serg Acuña - APR210324
Radiant Black is also available for purchase across many digital platforms, including Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, comiXology, and Google Play.