The first story arc of the critically acclaimed new ongoing thriller ANALOG—by writer Gerry Duggan (Deadpool, Uncanny Avengers) and artist David O’Sullivan—will be collected into trade paperback and available this October. ANALOG, VOL. 1 will include issues #1-5 of the series.
PORTLAND, OR, 6/21/2018 — The first story arc of the critically acclaimed new ongoing thriller ANALOG—by writer Gerry Duggan (Deadpool, Uncanny Avengers) and artist David O’Sullivan—will be collected into trade paperback and available this October. ANALOG, VOL. 1 will include issues #1-5 of the series.
Set in 2024, ANALOG, VOL. 1 introduces the world after it has been mass-doxxed, and the Internet is only for porn. Every email, photo, and document ever sent rains down out of the cloud, and only a fool would send a secret over the web.
This is the era of the “Paper Jockeys”: armed couriers with a briefcase of secrets who’ll get your sensitive information around the globe or die trying. Human punching bag Jack McGinnis and his partner Oona are two of the best couriers in the business. For a price, they’ll move your sensitive information where it needs to go as they fight off fascists, criminals, and spies.
After a heated bidding war Lionsgate snagged rights to Gerry Duggan and David O’Sullivan’s bestselling series ANALOG. The Hollywood Reporter revealed that John Wick Director Chad Stahelski and Ryan Condal, the creator of USA’s alien invasion series Colony, are attached to the project.
ANALOG, VOL. 1 trade paperback (ISBN: 978-1534308381, Diamond Code JAN188505) will hit stores on Wednesday, October 3rd and bookstores on Tuesday, October 9th. It can be ordered on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-a-Million, IndieBound, and Indigo.
Set in 2024, ANALOG, VOL. 1 introduces the world after it has been mass-doxxed, and the Internet is only for porn. Every email, photo, and document ever sent rains down out of the cloud, and only a fool would send a secret over the web.
This is the era of the “Paper Jockeys”: armed couriers with a briefcase of secrets who’ll get your sensitive information around the globe or die trying. Human punching bag Jack McGinnis and his partner Oona are two of the best couriers in the business. For a price, they’ll move your sensitive information where it needs to go as they fight off fascists, criminals, and spies.
After a heated bidding war Lionsgate snagged rights to Gerry Duggan and David O’Sullivan’s bestselling series ANALOG. The Hollywood Reporter revealed that John Wick Director Chad Stahelski and Ryan Condal, the creator of USA’s alien invasion series Colony, are attached to the project.
ANALOG, VOL. 1 trade paperback (ISBN: 978-1534308381, Diamond Code JAN188505) will hit stores on Wednesday, October 3rd and bookstores on Tuesday, October 9th. It can be ordered on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-a-Million, IndieBound, and Indigo.
Select praise for ANALOG:
“Brings forth an intriguing premise by breaking the internet and exploring the fallout.” —AiPT! Comics
“With comics as an industry so obsessed with the high concept, there's something refreshingly low-key about Gerry Duggan and David O'Sullivan's Analog.”
“A highly promising start to the series, with Gerry Duggan showing once more his chops when it comes to sci-fi and comedy....This one gets a recommendation.”
—Bleeding Cool
“A sneak peek into a not-so distant future where privacy has been stripped from everyone across the globe...with an air of quiet danger and intrigue, Analog promises to be a thrilling action-packed story that may hit just a bit too close to home.”
—Geekery Magazine