Geiger Webskin


December 31, 1969

Image Comics Reunites Sarkar and Gastonny In New Series

CA – 19 May, 2011 – Image Comics is pleased to announce that writer Sam
Sarkar and artist Garrie Gastonny (Warren Ellis’ Supergod), the team
behind Caliber: First Canon of Justice, have reunited to unlock the
horror and action within their new miniseries THE VAULT.

VAULT is about a small team of treasure hunters, struggling to excavate
a dangerous and legendary treasure pit before a massive storm hits
Sable Island, the “Graveyard of the North Atlantic.” Equipped with all
the latest technology, the scientists believe they are prepared against
all of nature’s fury, but nothing can prepare them for what they are
about to unleash.

VAULT is kind of a contemporary Pandora’s Box story,” explained creator
and writer, Sam Sarkar. “Though it appears on the surface to be a
pretty straightforward story, it has most of its mythology buried
deeply. It gets uncovered both literally and figuratively as the pit
gets excavated.”

asked how THE VAULT found its home at Image, Sarkar replied: “Well, I’m
incredibly fortunate that most of the lasting gifts of Caliber were the
relationships it helped to cement. Chief among them, David Elliott.
Dave and I have soldiered through quite a few storms personally and
professionally, and when I asked him to edit THE VAULT, he didn’t
hesitate. There are few people I trust as much. I asked Dave what he
thought the best way to release THE VAULT would be and Image was at the
top of his list of publishers to approach. I’ve always been a fan of
Image, not just because of their model, but because of the quality of
titles they have represented and continue to represent.”

VAULT #1 (1 of 3), a 32-page full color comic book, will be on sale in
stores July 27th for $2.99 and is available to order in the June 2011
edition of Diamond Previews.