December 31, 1969

Wiebe and Rossmo Invite Readers to Experience Horror of Critically Acclaimed Continuing Series

CA – 4 August 2011 – Kurtis Wiebe (INTREPIDS) and Riley Rossmo’s
(PROOF, COWBOY NINJA VIKING) disturbing tale of the town of GREEN WAKE
will soon be collected into its first trade paperback, but the horrors
won’t end there, because Image Comics and Shadowline Productions are
making GREEN WAKE an ongoing series.

response to GREEN WAKE has been so encouraging,” said Wiebe. “It’s such
a great feeling to realize that this brand new idea, this new world
that we’ve created in GREEN WAKE resonates with readers, and that they
want to read more.”

and I have put a lot of strange, gory stuff into this book,” added
Rossmo. “Sometimes we stand back and look at what we’ve come up with,
and there have been more than a few times that we’ve wondered, ‘Is this
too far?’ Fortunately, it seems our readers are just as sick as we are!”

continued: “The move from miniseries to continuing series is what we
hoped for, as GREEN WAKE proved from the beginning to be a complex story
full of new angles and side plots. At this point I think it’s safe to
say that we aren’t going anywhere. Both Riley and I have plenty more up
our sleeves, and this first collection is only the beginning!”

Each issue of GREEN WAKE has been met with overwhelmingly positive reviews, including the following glowing endorsements:

“Wiebe has had us in the palm of his hand through this whole ride and does not let us go for one moment. Even as the book comes to a close, and you feel yourself being freed, his grip tightens at the very last moment.” —Danial Carroll, Comic Book Revolution

“A stunning blend of happiness and sadness with a splash of perspective in the mix. GREEN WAKE is a fascinating contrast of fate and choice that will leave you questioning yourself and the crossroads you’ve taken in your life. The ending to this series was perfect and I wouldn’t have changed a thing about it.”—Felicity Gustafson, Comics Bulletin

“GREEN WAKE is definitely the stand out series of the year, Wiebe’s writing and Rossmo’s art combine perfectly in the ultimate form of storytelling. Original, beautiful, compelling and sad, this comic is more than hard to top.”— Niall Alexander, Comic Buzz

â“The writing from Wiebe is absolutely pitch perfect and it couldn’t be matched to the art with more precision. This might just be a perfect mystery opening, and you absolutely need to buy this comic.‗Ryan Lindsay, CBR

“GREEN WAKE is shaping up to be one of the great mini-series of 2011. Smart, fast moving, and full of intriguing mystery, GREEN WAKE is a beautiful book that you’ll be thinking about for hours after you finish.‗Kelly Thompson, CBR

WAKE TP (JUL110468, ISBN: 978-1-60706-432-9), a 136-page full color
comic book goes on sale September 21, 2011 for $16.99. GREEN WAKE #6
(AUG110520) picks up where the trade leaves off on October 26 and is
available for order in the current issue of Diamond Previews.