A Man and a Puppy: It's Meant to Be in KINSKI

October 7, 2014

November graphic novel explores the bond with man’s best friend

A lost black labrador retriever puppy. A lonely traveling salesman named Joe. When they find each other, Joe is convinced they’re a perfect match. But in KINSKI, a graphic novel by Gabriel Hardman (Hulk) coming from Image Comics in November, fate has a way of trying to get in between a man and his would-be best friend. Joe is going to make sure that nothing — not animal control, airline regulations, or an endless RV park — keeps them apart.

While Joe’s behavior in this quirky pursuit story may border on obsessive, KINSKI creator Hardman makes sure his main character’s intentions are pure.

“I think anyone who has adopted a dog, or really any animal, can understand that spark of attachment you feel when you find the right one for you,” said Hardman. “Joe takes that spark of attachment very, very seriously. And sure, he makes some bad decisions, but he genuinely believes what he’s doing is right.”

Originally published as a digital comics series by Monkeybrain Comics, the black-and-white graphic novel is both written and drawn by Hardman, who honed his visual storytelling skills doing storyboards for films like Interstellar, Inception, and The Dark Knight Rises, as well as the comic book Hulk. Hardman relishes the opportunity to draw his own story.

“In Kinski, I get the chance to express those ideas in their purest form,” he said. “Since I’m writing and drawing, every element is integrated together from moment one. Artists and writers in comics now are so rigidly segregated but I don’t think a book like Kinski could be made that way. Here I’m determined to let the visuals tell the story and reveal character just as much as the dialogue.”

The face of an adorable puppy will grace shelves in November, when KINSKI arrives in comic books tores on November 5 and bookstores on November 18.

KINSKI by Gabriel Hardman

  • ISBN 978-1-63215-179-7
  • Diamond Comic order code SEP140594
  • 136 pages, paperback, black and white
  • $14.99
  • In comic book stores November 5, bookstores November 18
  • Rated Teen
  • Retailers, librarians, and reviewers may request a PDF galley from Jennifer de Guzman, Director of Trade Book Sales, jenniferdeguzman@imagecomics.com

Praise for KINSKI:

“As writer and artist, Hardman turns a straightforward narrative into a captivating psychological study, creating a tense atmosphere that makes Kinski the Breaking Bad of dognapping tales.” –Oliver Sava, The A.V. Club

“Gabriel Hardman is the sole creator of Kinski. Writer and artist all at once, there seems to be nothing that he can’t do; in neither area is he lacking. Kinski is so much more than a story about a businessman who falls in love with a dog. At the same time, it is precisely that, and the way he manages to keep it exciting and suspenseful is nothing short of impressive. His minimalist style of artwork heightens the themes and mystery of the narrative, and yet the level of aesthetic detail is remarkable. Hardman’s faces say so much more than words or dialogue ever could.

“So I’ll say it again: Kinski is a must-read comic book. “ –Andrew Ziegler, Entertainment Fuse

“The story is remarkably tight and well thought out. It’s deceptively simple but manages to spiral out of control and become a character study. Why is Joe so resistant to let go? Why is he so determined? And what has to happen for him to give up?” –Zac Thompson, Bloody Disgusting