FCBD GOGOR @ Escapist

Saturday, May 4, 2019 12:00pm – 2:30pm


It's once again that magical time of year! Our most favorite day of the year, FREE COMIC BOOK DAY! Come join us Saturday, May 4th (yes it's that's "May the 4th be with you!") for some special guests, Star Wars related fun, including special appearances by the 501st Legion (https://www.501st.com), and of course tons and tons of FREE COMICS!!! Cosplay is highly encouraged! Come dressed up and get an extra special prize! On top of all the FREE Comics we will also be having our giant sale! All graphic novels, toys and t-shirts 25% off! (This includes all hardcovers!) All back issues 50% off! Vintage comics 15% off! More details as the date approaches!