Daniel Way
A New York Times best-selling author, Daniel Way got his start in 2000 when he was awarded the prestigious Xeric Grant for Violent Lifestyle, his first attempt at comic book writing. He's also written Deadpool, the character with whom he is most closely associated due to his historic 65-issue run on that title. He still takes on the occasional project for mainstream publishers, such as the upcoming Hit-Girl series for Image Comics/Millarworld. In addition to his work in comics, Mr. Way has also worked in video games (Activision’s Deadpool) and film, having recently consulted on the Deadpool feature at the personal request of the film’s director. In addition to his writing accomplishments, Daniel Way is the co-founder and director of GeekCraft Expo, a collection of curated, geek-themed craft fairs held across North America and soon, Hawaii. He currently lives in Hawaii.