Adam McGovern

Adam McGovern

Adam McGovern, writer of Image Comics’ NIGHTWORLD, channels comics from his own haunted hundred-year-old house in New Jersey. McGovern co-created the Ignatz-nominated DR. ID, PSYCHOLOGIST OF THE SUPERNATURAL with artist Paolo Leandri, and the team did an ALIAS THE SPIDER story for Image’s NEXT ISSUE PROJECT/CRACK COMICS #63 and giant-sized strips on ghost towns & cities, time-travelling philosophers and literally messianic rockstars for the indie-comics tabloid POOD, before collaborating on NIGHTWORLD. Their dystopian fantasia THE URBAN LEGEND OF IDORU JONES has two eps up on, and with other artists McGovern has done THE SUIT on Dean Haspiel’s, more tabloid indie strips in MAGIC BULLET, “Boxed In” from COIN-OP STUDIO, and some 50 translated issues of nine hyperpulp series from Italy’s GG Studio, released in the U.S. from 2010-12. With Leandri he is readying a story for Dark Horse’s 2016 TWICE UPON A TIME MACHINE anthology; a soon-to-be-not-secret shared universe online project; and NIGHTWORLD’s inevitable reincarnations.