Will Dennis steps up as volunteer editor on WHERE WE LIVE anthology


Image Comics is pleased to reveal the cover artwork—by J.H. Williams III—for the WHERE WE LIVE anthology and welcome editor Will Dennis on board to volunteer his time curating and coordinating the project. WHERE WE LIVE will feature work from a wide range of comic creators—including Neil Gaiman, Mike Mignola, and the previously announced Kurt Busiek and James Robinson—along with many more soon to be announced. Survivors of the attack will also contribute to the WHERE WE LIVE anthology.

“When Eric asked me to join the team, I was really overcome with emotion,” said Dennis. “The magnitude of this tragedy is incomprehensible and if i can help in any way to bring some small measure of relief to the survivors, I’m there without hesitation. There’s already been an amazing outpouring from creators and I’m certain the end result will be extremely powerful.”

“I couldn't be happier to have Will Dennis volunteering to take over this project with us,” said Williams. “This is such an important cause, and we are working hard to handle this subject in a powerfully meaningful way. One we hope that not only helps the Las Vegas shooting victims, but also helps push the conversation of the problems we face into a positive momentum.”

Stephenson added: “Gun violence should be abhorrent to all, so it was without hesitation that we agreed to publish this when Jim and Wendy Williams first approached Image about partnering on this project. Any shooting, regardless of the assailant or the number of victims, is a tragedy, and the fact that these incidents are happening with increasing frequency underscores the urgent need for everyone to be more fully aware of just what is at stake if some form of action isn’t taken.”

Dennis joins previously announced curators JH Williams III, Wendy Wright-Williams, Dave Stewart, and Image Comics’ Publisher, Eric Stephenson.

100% of the proceeds for the WHERE WE LIVE anthology will be donated to an existing GoFundMe for the survivors in Vegas, to be announced.

The book will include a variety of perspectives with key themes exploring: value of a compassionate society, need for communication/conversations, mental health stigmatization, access to healthcare, gun violence, common sense gun control, history of the 2nd Amendment, why the 2nd Amendment is important to gun owners, role of the NRA in national & local politics, balance of safety & privacy/freedoms, aftermath of tragedy and how individuals & communities persevere, role of the media in tragedies, ongoing need for survivor support, and appreciation of Las Vegas as a community.
