Spawn #109

Seven dead bodies are discovered hanging in front of the precinct house, nobody saw a thing and Sam and Twitch are the unlucky ones who get the case. Spawn, who is helping to locate Twitch’s son, finds that even he needs help in discovering what sinister events are unfolding in his city. He assigns Ab and Zab to find out what’s going on. Dawn draws still-unsuspecting Max deeper into the cult known as The Kingdom, as elsewhere Spawn deals with other Kingdom followers who are about to take the law into their own hands.



Cover A

Collected Editions


Spawn #359 cover Spawn #359 Oct 30, 2024
Spawn #357 cover Spawn #357 Oct 2, 2024
Spawn #358 cover Spawn #358 Sep 25, 2024
Spawn #356 cover Spawn #356 Sep 4, 2024
Spawn #355 cover Spawn #355 Jul 31, 2024
Spawn #354 cover Spawn #354 Jun 19, 2024

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