Coffin Bound #1

Cars! Guns! Entropy! Chased by an unstoppable killer, Izzy Tyburn has decided that if the world won’t have her in it, it can have nothing of her at all. She’s re-treading her life, leaving nothing but burned rubber, ash, and the sun-scorched bones of those who get in her way. Join writer DAN WATTERS (Sandman Universe: Lucifer, LIMBO), artist DANI (2000AD, Girl with No Name), and colorist BRAD SIMPSON (JESUSFREAK, MCMLXXV) on a road trip through a blood-splattered life.

"It's a gleeful of literary grindhouse comic that brings to mind Milligan's Arthouse Pulp and notes of Pretty Deadly. Out in August. Pre-order now." —Kieron Gillen

"A Lynchian crime chase desert noir fever dream with its own messed up internal logic. Fun." —Rob Williams

"An acid drenched road trip, seeping violence and weirdness of the best kind. Definitely one to check out." —Ollie Masters

"Gorgeous and odd and very much its own unique monster. I am jealous at its filthy strangeness." —Ivan Brandon

"A gore-splattered—but poetic—road trip with one of the strangest stripper scenes in comics." —John Harris Dunning

"Dreamlike, mythic, relentless and strange." —Kurt Busiek

"Excellent. Like finding a weird Alex Cox meets Jodorowsky road movie you didn't know existed. Literate, full of ideas & complimented by Dani's Guéra meets Pope-ish art." —Iain Laurie


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