Umbral #3

Series: Umbral


Nightmare shadow creatures, murdered Kings, slaughtered smugglers, mysterious hobos, mythical gems, and stone guardians — it can only be UMBRAL, the incredibly rich new fantasy world from Wasteland creators ANTONY JOHNSTON and CHRISTOPHER MITTEN! Join Rascal as she fights to uncover the truth... and to stay alive!

Collected Editions


Umbral #12 cover Umbral #12 Jan 28, 2015
Umbral #11 cover Umbral #11 Nov 26, 2014
Umbral #10 cover Umbral #10 Oct 29, 2014
Umbral #9 cover Umbral #9 Sep 24, 2014
Umbral #8 cover Umbral #8 Aug 20, 2014
Umbral #7 cover Umbral #7 Jul 16, 2014